Monday, October 11, 2010

Mini Frozen Pizzas... for the Kiddos

What small child doesn't like pizza?
Mine sure does.. his favorite food is store bought bagel pizzas. I'm not against those as an occasional treat, but at the end of the day they are pretty expensive and full of things I prefer to not eat.

Using my pizza crust recipe I am able to make and freeze individual pizzas.

-Preheat your oven to 425
-Roll out dough and cut in to any shape you prefer. I usually stick with a basic circle, but I have done stars and other shapes for fun!
-Place dough on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper (easy clean up!)
-Spread store pizza sauce on each pizza (I love Trader Joe's sauce)
-Top with cheese (I usually buy Organic Valley)
-You can add any other toppings your kid will eat. My 3 year old is a "cheese only" kid right now, so we keep it simple.

-I cook them until the cheese is melted (usually 10 minutes)
-Let the pizzas cool on a wired rack and then freeze individually in the freezer
-Once the pizzas are individually frozen you can put them all in a freezer bag and they won't stick together.

Sounds tricky, but it's super easy and super cheap!

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